Odyssey Ai-ONE Square 2 Square Putters
Capitalizing on the trend for the so-called “Zero Torque” putter design that has gained popularity, Callaway has brought to market the Odyssey Ai-ONE Square 2 Square Putters with a urethane face insert and slight toe-up hang weighting.
Fast Facts
Odyssey Ai-ONE Square 2 Square Putters
Three models: Double Wide, #7, Jailbird
Center shafted
Ai-ONE urethane face insert
3.3° forward press
PVD navy blue finish
Stock shaft: SL-90 counterbalanced
Pre-Sale Nov. 15, 2024
At Retail Nov. 29, 2024
Pricing: $299.99
Callaway’s Odyssey putters have been the most played putter on every professional tour for 15 years as well as being number one in every retail market. Validation of the Ai-ONE face is easily found in the fact half of their putters on Tour are that construction.
For 2025 Callaway has the goal for their Odyssey division to capitalize on the Ai-ONE success after the 2023 introduction, grow sales share in the milled putter category and be the undisputed leader in the emerging center shafted market segment.
The centered shafted, so-called “Zero Torque” design of the Square 2 Square, has the head statically balanced due to the shaft being mounted in the middle of the head slightly ahead of the center of gravity. This produces a square-to-square bias for the stroke and a mild toe-up hang versus the usual toe-down hang of most putters. Also, to facilitate the square-to-square path of the head throughout the stroke there is a built in 3.3° forward press.
Callaway tells me the artificial intelligence designed Ai-ONE face uses complex contours on the aluminum backer behind the White Hot urethane face which is milled for precision and the combination results in the largest sweet spot they have ever measured. The SL 90 (Stroke Lab) shaft is a very light weight steel and depending on the grip weight is counterbalanced 20 to 30 grams in the butt end.

Ed Travis
Ed is a national award-winning golf journalist and has carried on a lifelong love affair with the game. His work covering the business of golf, equipment, golf personalities and travel is prominently featured in numerous print and electronic publications. He has competed in tournament golf both as an amateur and senior professional and though his competitive days are behind him, Ed still plays regularly and carries a handicap of 4. He lives on a water hazard in suburban Orlando. His email address is GolfScribe@outlook.com.