The Allen Putter from PXG is designed to reduce torque in the putting stroke keeping the face square throughout using an S-shaft and a hollow body filled with polymer plus there’s a unique ball pick up construction on the sole.

PXG Allen Putter

303 Stainless steel polymer filled body
6061 aluminum sole
S-shaped hosel
Thin face 0.055 inches
Pyramid face grooves
Weight 375g
Stock loft: 5°
Stock grip: 52g PXG Pistol I


PXG already has an extensive line of putters but the new Allen model, named for PXG founder Bob Parson’s brother, is a zero-torque design in order to maintain the face square to the line of the entire stroke through impact.

Weighting is key of course but upon first seeing the Allen golfers will remark on the S-shaped hosel which keeps the axis of the shaft above the putter’s center of gravity in a toe-up balance. Stability is improved and face twisting in relation to the stroke path is eliminated.

The Allen’s loft is also a hefty 2° more than usual that allows for a natural forward press due to the shaft orientation.

PXG also found the body shape and rear frame made a handy ball pickup pocket which is useful for us older players so we don’t have to bend over to pick up the ball.

“If you are tired of dropping coin after a bad round of missed putts, you need to try the PXG Allan Putter,” said PXG Founder & CEO Bob Parsons. “It is so fun and easy to hit; it feels like magic. In fact, I am so impressed with how well the technology works that I named the putter for my little brother Allan. He was a hell of a golfer, and I know he would have loved it.”

Ed Travis

Ed is a national award-winning golf journalist and has carried on a lifelong love affair with the game. His work covering the business of golf, equipment, golf personalities and travel is prominently featured in numerous print and electronic publications. He has competed in tournament golf both as an amateur and senior professional and though his competitive days are behind him, Ed still plays regularly and carries a handicap of 4. He lives on a water hazard in suburban Orlando. His email address is