National Golf Course Owners Association Names Bobby Jones Links Founding Partner Whitney Crouse to Board of Directors
ALPHARETTA, GA – Bobby Jones Links (BJL), the golf industry’s leading client-centric, boutique management company, is proud to announce The National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA) recently selected Bobby Jones Links Founding Partner Whitney Crouse to its distinguished panel of Board of Directors. The new board was introduced at NGCOA’s annual business meeting during the annual Golf Business Conference 2024 in late January.

Bobby Jones Links Founding Partner Whitney Crouse
The NGCOA is the leading authority on golf course ownership and management. The association represents and promotes the interests of golf courses as the principal businesses and economic assets of the game of golf. Crouse, a Rice University graduate and veteran PGA and CMAA member, has spent more than three decades developing, building, and managing golf properties, experience that ideally fits the profile for NGCOA leadership.
“It is a real honor to be selected to the NGCOA’s Board of Directors,” Crouse said. “This diverse and uniquely expert organization plays a critical role in educating, broadening the network and knowledge base, and advocating for the golf industry. This board is represented by a diverse, highly experienced, and educated contingency that unites various regions, backgrounds, and leadership perspectives to serve the best interests of golf course owners and the golf industry.”
A not-for-profit organization, the NGCOA is the only trade association dedicated exclusively to golf course owners and operators. The NGCOA helps them operate more successful clubs through advocacy, education, information resources, purchasing programs, and networking opportunities.
“I look forward to working with this accomplished and dedicated group of club owners and operators, but I’m also excited about the advocacy role the NGCOA plays on behalf of all golf course owners and the golf industry with initiatives like National Golf Day and many others. CEO Jay Karen and team have made a tremendous impact on the NGCOA and its pivotal role in the advancement, preservation, and growth of club ownership.”
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About Bobby Jones Links

Bobby Jones Links is a privately owned club management company offering hands-on, turnkey operations management and advisory services to select daily fee, private, and semi-private clubs. Based in Atlanta with an office in Naples, FL, the company supports 30 properties in eleven states, including Bobby Jones Golf Course, Hope Valley Country Club, Eastpointe Country Club, and Travis Pointe Country Club. Visit to learn how Bobby Jones Links makes a difference for their clients and associates.